It’s rare that Americans get a look at the news from around the world, if it’s told outside the confines of what Americans think it should look like. It was a long time before Americans would accept the BBC as a legitimate news source, because it sounds so different from American news.

And that’s to say nothing of networks from China, Russia, or the Middle East, like Al-Jazeera. Mostly those things are accepted now as legitimate by Americans, but we still don’t understand the ones in languages other than English, for the most part.

In this way, we often lost a lot of news that could be of great interest to us. For example, without the benefit of Google Translate, it would have been pretty hard for you to understand this:

In fact, you might never guess that people in Denmark are even talking about Donald Trump, if you didn’t know that Denmark controls Greenland. And the only reason that makes Trump the news over there is because his idiot kid just went over to Greenland to try and prove that the people there want Trump to buy the place.

Like, sure, we think it’s weird here, but what do they think over there? Well, they’re not shy in their headlines. In America, you might expect to see the headline above as “Questions Arise About the Identities of Some People Appearing in Donald Trump’s Greenland Promotional Videos.” Not so there.

Here’s that headline again, translated:

They literally can’t do anything without lying. It turns out that Team Trump — in this case, Donald Trump Junior and his pal Charlie Kirk — ended up having to pull homeless people off the streets and out from under bridges so they could put red hats on them in exchange for a hot meal.

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They say every accusation is a confession, and for all the times that Trump and his cohorts (and voters) have claimed that Democrats were busing people into rallies or paying random signholders at protests, this is a pretty hard pill to swallow: Being caught red-handed doing exactly what they claim their opponents do.

The eldest Trump boy got his dad to call in while he fed his “MAGA supporters” beef stew at the Hotel Hans Egede, then posted a clip to social media to brag about how everyone around the world loves his dad:

They look pretty excited, don’t they? I would be too, if I hadn’t had a hot meal since God knows when.

Here’s what Danish media got from it, however: “Several sources now tell DR that a portion of the people who appear in the video from Trump’s campaign people …are homeless and socially disadvantaged, who often find themselves outside the Brugsen in Nuuk …which is located directly opposite Hotel Hans Egede.”

The article goes on (using Google Translate):

It’s homeless and old people who can’t make ends meet who can suddenly eat at a restaurant they’ve never been to before, says Tom Amtoft, who has lived in Nuuk for 28 years. He recognizes several of the faces in the photos from the visit to Hotel Hans Egede.

All they have to do is put on a cap and be in the Trump staff’s videos. They are being bribed, and it is deeply distasteful.

This is no different than all of the other things Trump has been caught faking. Fake union workers, fake firefighters, faked interactions at grocery stores, staged pizza deliveries where the food comes, then Trump grabs a few already-opened boxes and parades back into the room for the cameras… Trump has done it all.

He even pretended to work at a McDonald’s drive-thru when in fact, it was during a time when the restaurant was closed and every single “customer” that came through was a MAGA fan who had rehearsed the scene a number of times.

The reason that Trump has to do all of this is blindingly obvious, and it’s not even so that he has a better chance at buying Greenland. He knows full well that Denmark is not going to give up Greenland, nor is there any reason for them to. America has no right to it to begin with.

The reason Trump is doing it is to convince Americans that his ideas are popular around the world. He absolutely needs to be seen as popular, smart, and innovative.

That’s the entire impetus behind all of the nonsense he spouted at his recent press conference about Greenland, the Panama Canal, and renaming the Gulf of Mexico as the Gulf of America.

The only gulf he should be renaming is the one between his ears. Let’s go with “Vakuumet i Trump’s Hoved.”

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