Melania Trump has had so much attention paid to her ridiculous outfits that it almost seems at this point like she’s trying to outdo herself. From wearing stiletto heels to Texas to survey the devastation from Hurricane Harvey in 2017 to the pith helmet she wore on safari in Kenya, she keeps stepping up her improper ensembles.

Then she showed up at the border in the “I Don’t Really Care Do U?” jacket, and we thought it couldn’t get worse. But she was nowhere near done. She’d already done all the weird stuff — it was time to move on to actually inappropriate attire.

Mrs. Trump showed up to Rosalynn Carter’s funeral and stood out in a sea of black with her contrasting gray overcoat, the only one in attendance not dressed in the traditional mourning color.

And as though she has something personal against the Carters specifically, she appeared on Thursday at former President Jimmy Carter’s service in what looked like a Pilgrim costume.

Yes, it was black. But the collar on this thing was white, and so big and triangular that she could have been mistaken for someone with a very mixed-up sense of holiday wear:

Switched at birth?

No one is quite sure what the soon-to-be First Lady was thinking. But they weren’t shy about what THEY were thinking. Social media was aghast at her fashion sense again.

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That’s the thing: It wasn’t just that she looked like a cross between the Flying Nun and Aunt Lydia. It was that the bizarre collar was printed with something no one could quite make out. Until this enterprising social media user tracked down an original photo of another model in the Valentino coat:

Cool, cool. So, a weird-ass costume WITH a picture of people making out on it… for a former president’s funeral. She certainly hasn’t changed.

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