There are a lot of reasons for any sane person to think pretty badly of Donald Trump. It’s just not a hard conclusion to come to, that he’s a less-than-savory character. So Trump will do or say anything to avoid having people know the truth about him.

That’s why he was so desperate to delay or avoid the sentencing he just went through on Friday. Although it carried no real consequences, it does cement his reputation — and his permanent legal record — as a convicted felon. Just another thing for people to think less of him for.

But I think the real reason Trump knows his reputation can’t afford to take many more hits is because he knows, deep down, that he is what everyone believes him to be: A disgusting pervert. And I don’t mean a “boys will be boys,” “only one thing on his mind” kind of pervert, like lots of guys around the world.

I mean the kind your mother warned you about. An actual predator.

Plenty of people might say that they already know that about him because of the fact that, before he was elected the first time, he was caught on tape talking about how he “doesn’t even wait” to just start kissing any woman he wants, and how, because he’s famous, he can actually grab any woman “by the p*ssy* and get away with it.

And they’re right, that DOES make him a pervert, especially because he was found liable in court for doing literally that exact thing to E. Jean Carroll.

There’s also the fact that he’s cheated on literally every woman he’s married, and even cheated on the women he was cheating on his wives with. When he was with Ivana, he stepped out with Marla Maples. When he was with Marla, he stepped out with Melania. And even though she stayed with him, we’ve seen the proof that he had a side relationship with Karen McDougal, a Playboy model, who he cheated on with Stormy Daniels, the adult film actress.

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But for me, it was something else entirely. This might just be because I’m a father myself, or maybe my revulsion is completely normal, and it’s the press not making more of an issue of this that’s weird, but I think his obsession with Ivanka is what makes him gross.

Number one, her name isn’t actually Ivanka. It’s Ivana, just like her mother. Her middle name is the same as her mother’s, Marie. I don’t know if that was a cultural thing in Czechoslovakia (where Trump’s wife was born), or if Ivana insisted on it because they first had a little replica of her husband, Donald John Trump Junior, but it’s kind of weird.

I mean, I always though male Juniors were weird too, but I get the whole patriarchy thing.

ANYWAY, from the time of her birth it was weird. He’s been obsessed with her for her entire life. And it was always a little suspicious, but he confirmed the disgusting nature of his obsession himself, directly to a newspaper columnist.

He confessed in 2016 to being “sexually attracted” to Ivanka. And by “confessed,” what I mean is that he casually said it to Richard Cohen, a columnist for the Washington Post. That’s worse, right? Just kind of mentioning it in passing?

Except he didn’t even just mention it in passing. He totally brought it up himself, by asking Cohen, “Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?”

Cohen included the tidbit in a 2016 piece he was writing, but Trump had actually said it to him back in 1994. Now, normally, I’d let you take all the time you need to process the horrifying math there, but since it’s in the headline anyway, I’ll just repeat it here: He told Richard Cohen he was sexually attracted to his daughter when she was 13 years old.

And that’s not even the extent of his gross obsession. We also know from former aide Miles Taylor’s book Blowback that “Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her.”


Of course, you won’t find the Cohen quote in a published article. Fred Hiatt, the editorial page editor, told BuzzFeed at the time, “We (or the Washington Post Writers Group, our affiliated syndicate) edit every column to try to make it as good as it can be … We don’t think it would be fair to our writers to discuss the editing process, and don’t see what is to be gained by talking about things that are not published — there are countless drafts that never see the light of day.”

If the story stopped there, it would already be horrible. But look at the rest of the evidence. Remember the adult film star, Stormy Daniels? “He told me once that I was someone to be reckoned with, beautiful and smart just like his daughter.” And Karen, the Playboy model? He used the same line on her. He literally told two adult entertainers that he was cheating on his wife with at the same time that they BOTH reminded him of Ivanka.

But in case we’ve strayed too far from the creepy teenager love, how about a photo collection? Here’s one when she wasn’t quite 16:

There are at least 10 things incredibly wrong with this photo of Donald and Ivanka.

And we’re not going to speculate on her age in this one, but we will note that his fingers are inside her dress, which is not a thing. That’s 100% not a thing, Donald:


And she may be older in this one, but come on. Sitting on his lap at that age?!

It honestly doesn’t even matter if the “sexually attracted” quote was ever published by Richard Cohen. There’s plenty of evidence of it, even if he’d never said it in the first place. There are even further quotes, like the one from Paul Solotaroff of Rolling Stone that even you, dear reader, remember:

“Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father…”

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