It felt wrong, even for Trump.

He is, after all, an ex-president, a guy in a suit, standing in front of the crowd (but, of course, with the mandatory crowd behind him, also). No one could have predicted that he would start out talking about “the big Lie” (meaning the liberals calling his claims that the election was rigged  Big Lie). That’s a joke, obviously.

He didn’t sound right in just repeating himself four to five times like his heart wasn’t quite in it enough to come up with something different and that’s when he dropped it. “The Big Lie is bullshit.”

It doesn’t matter that it’s Donald Trump and we’ve heard tapes where he talked about sexually assaulting women, grabbing them by the _____, that was a recording made when he was a “TV star.” It just sounds entirely different and almost pathetic when it comes from an ex-president, even Trump.

As president, he would very occasionally, by accident, drop what they call “cuss” words in the south. But one could see in his body movement or reaction that he knew he just fkt up (some of us are not ex-presidents and can use tasteless words). Tonight, when he dropped that the Big Lie was Bullshit? It sounded like he dropped it off because he just flat doesn’t care anymore.

It is hard to tell whether that’s a good sign, whether he’s just going through the motions (probably), or a bad sign, that he’s done with the rules forever, now. He is going to bend the environment around him, not the other way around.

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Hard to tell. Twitter had its thoughts:

Very hard to figure out.

Jason Miciak with the invaluable Nicole Hickman helping out.

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