Trump flew out to Arizona to talk about the election he lost fourteen months ago. It is MLK day on Monday, Omicron is decimating the United States, gas prices are up, people are not getting vaccinated (even though Trump is telling them to get vaccinated and boosted, that it’s safe and important), Russia has 100,000 troops on Ukraine’s border, there are important things to talk about if one must have a “rally” as they’ve long ago come to be called.

We aren’t sure how many more rallies Trump will do, at least before an official campaign season kicks off. But in Arizona, Trump had nearly no energy and all he really wanted to do was reaffirm that he won the election by every metric. Even the MAGAs, even the MAGAs, will stop coming to rallies if that’s all he going to do, low energy explanations that he won.

“They say if you win Florida, Ohio, and Iowa, no one has ever lost the election.” A fourth-grader could say, “But if you lose every other state you will lose the election.” Trump’s rationale, the Florida, Ohio, Iowa thing (and he had several others, too) were all premised upon winning Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, like a good Republican.

Then he screwed up and he’s going to regret this one, big. He talked about winning all the “rules” (including being invulnerable if you get 75 million votes, almost like that was a target that someone promised him, “guaranteed to win.”

He won everything… but the election. Oooops.

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Keep going, big guy.


Jason Miciak & Nicole Hickman

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