We can’t/shouldn’t be mean here – no matter how tempting.

Twitter User, Upon Seeing the Video of Paul Gosar

No, we shouldn’t be mean about Gosar’s condition, which is entirely different from hating the attitude and message he has been delivering if he is in charge of his faculties. We are not physicians, we have not examined him, we don’t know what might be wrong. To a layman, it seems something is quite wrong and it’s rocking Twitter.

Everyone knows that Gosar has become one of the most grotesque, proud, and vocal racists in the MAGA party. Indeed, of all of them, Gosar might well be the most open in his racism. Stranger, still, Gosar is a dentist from northern Arizona who his former patients say was a normal, very well-liked man, and now unrecognizable. He is, quite literally, a different person, they say.

Cults can do that to people. Gosar comes from a large family with six siblings. You know something fundamental has changed when each sibling, each one (ones that Gosar now says are communists), each sibling, signed off on a commercial endorsing Gosar’s opponent in the last election. (Much more below with video of his apparent physical problems):

So the man has had his problems, and lately, there have been more and more questions about his health generally. He did an interview about a month ago in which he didn’t appear well.

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At the rally, when Gosar began to speak, at least one of the networks cut away from his speech at the podium:


And it’s no wonder. Watch this speech. As said above, we cannot even bring ourselves to be “mean” about him.

Twitter certainly noticed:

When progressives refuse to get mad at a raging racist, it means there is deep concern that someone is very ill. We cannot diagnose and will leave it at that.


Jason Miciak & Nicole Hickman

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