Evidently, Steve Bannon believes that state legislatures can decertify elections (at least presidential ones, and we’re going to talk about how they certify them). There hasn’t been one scintilla of proof that that Trump received more votes in Arizona than Biden. The last private audit done by an organization hired by the conservative legislature found that Trump received a few more votes than had actually been cast.

It doesn’t matter.

Steve Bannon assures us that Trump’s “giant” rally in Arizona tonight is about the momentum happening in Arizona right now over the assembly decertifying the election, which will happen this week, he promises. Once this decertification is accomplished (Our democracy is officially over), it will lead to the other needed states falling, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. Quite suddenly, going into the 2022 election, Joe Biden is an illegitimate president, says Bannon.

The scary part of this is that while “decertification” after the fact is almost surely illegal, it is undeniably constitutional for the state’s legislatures to control how they determine who they send to the electoral college and there is no rule at all that the state must send electors that represent the winner of the state. There are a few states that are not even required to have an election for Electoral college delegates, the legislature can simply choose them.

The GOP seems unwilling – as of right now – to simply hand the entire election over to state legislatures to decide (even though under the constitution, they can), but it is the underlying reason that they won’t STFU about “rigged” elections. It seems obvious that they want scenarios where only the right people can vote and if the Democrat wins anyway, the legislature can find “fraud” in the election and send Republican electors to the Electoral College. (They already sort of tried!)

This is why Bannon wants all these decertifications to happen. The GOP wants the public aware of the fact that state legislatures control electoral college representatives and that “certification” of an election runs through the assembly. Try that in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, all of which have huge majorities in the state legislature because the states are gerrymandered AF.

The conservatives have never been as into democracy as much as the progressives.

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IF any of these “games” start happening with respect to presidential elections, one can bet that the national “divorce” proposed by Marjorie will be looking better and better every month to blue states, which will be shut out of the White House.

It is probably best for the conservatives to remember that the entirety of the West Coast (Including the naval base in San Diego, the Sub Base in Seattle, Silicon Valley, etc), Boston, New York, Washington DC are all blue, so is Chicago and Illinois, Nevada and New Mexico, which means Los Alamos, Area 51, and whatever the hell goes on around Edwards Air Force base, are all blue.

Have a great rally and a great kick-off to decertification tonight MAGAs. We see the plan and – if absolutely necessary, we think we’ll be fine.

Just tap that tweet below and read down through what Twitter thinks of the great “decertification.”


Jason Miciak & Nicole Hickman

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