We just concluded a report on the arrest and jailing of the FBI’s Most Wanted “Rioter.” Sorry, but, “yay.” We are sick of reporting on arrests of rioters.

Hard to believe, but January 6th happened on January 6th, which is now almost eight full months ago. One would think that we would know by now who communicated with whom, about what, who had planned for what, and who paid who to do what. Nine months would be sufficient for the first round of arrests, not of rioters (for God’s sake) but for the people that put the rioters in place for a specific purpose.

We know the purpose. We were told the purpose through several books, primarily through I Alone Can Fix It, which takes a person through that awful day. In the end, one only needs to look at a single salient fact to understand the “general idea” behind January 6th. Mike Pence did not trust an anonymous Secret Service agent to drive him away deep underground from the Capitol. From an excerpt in the Washington Post:

At 2:26, after a team of agents scouted a safe path to ensure the Pences would not encounter trouble, Giebels and the rest of Pence’s detail guided them down a staircase to a secure subterranean area that rioters couldn’t reach, where the vice president’s armored limousine awaited. Giebels asked Pence to get in one of the vehicles. “We can hold here,” he said.

“I’m not getting in the car, Tim,” Pence replied. “I trust you, Tim, but you’re not driving the car. If I get in that vehicle, you guys are taking off. I’m not getting in the car.”

What did Pence know in that moment? If that portion is in that book, that Pence knew enough so as to not trust Secret Service Agents he didn’t know, and that’s in a book (for God’s sake) why do we not know from the Justice Department? Has DOJ asked Mike Pence? Does Merrick Garland want to be a normal A.G. and prosecute drug cases and corruption, or does he want to be the attorney general that saved democracy by actually prosecuting crimes against the Constitution???

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We do not blame Biden. We take Biden at his word that he turned DOJ over to Merrick Garland and that was that. Unlike Trump, Biden wasn’t going to interfere with cases. We absolutely blame Merrick Garland. It is true that the FBI always moves at a snail’s pace. But we’re not asking why they haven’t arrested Trump. We’re asking why they haven’t arrested non-rioters who clearly played a role in the riot! Alex Jones admitted it! “The White House asked me to lead the march up to the Capitol…” Why have we not heard any press conferences like we did after 9-11. In fact, we always wondered, why were we not hearing press conferences under floodlights the night of January 6th?

When Mike McCarthy was terrified on January 6th and worried about being hurt, he didn’t call Nancy Pelosi, he didn’t call Chuck Schumer, he didn’t call BLM or Antifa, he called Donald Trump to stop it! Why was the Capitol being overrun and yet the White House stood proudly out without any sort of lockdown? Why did everyone seem to know that Trump was safe, but Pence was not?

Does that one fact not tell us almost everything? At least as a starting point?

Well, we are not the only ones infuriated. It is boiling over on Twitter and Chip Franklin, the master of the one-minute video has had it, too. Today, he released “Arrest Them Now,” throwing down the gauntlet. Are we going to be a country of laws, or are we just going to let Trump and the MAGA minority intimidate the majority? We know that the minority rules in Russia. It looks to us like someone’s setting up a very similar dynamic:

Regardless, Arrest Them Now is worth your time:

Enough said.

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